The meeting for students enrolled in Drivers Education for the fall semester has been postponed due to weather!

Looking for a summer job? We’re accepting applications for our Summer Custodian and Summer Maintenance positions!
Pay: $15.00/hr (Returning temp workers receive a $0.50 increase)
Hours: Monday–Friday, 6:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Start Date: June 2, 2025
Location: Peotone CUSD 207U
How to Apply:
Online: https://forms.gle/MWwtb5vcvAbyTSeX7
In Person: Pick up a physical application in the PHS office
Don't miss out on this opportunity! Tag someone who might be interested and apply today.

This is a reminder to participate in the parent survey supplement, part of the Illinois 5Essentials Survey administration. A parent survey report will be generated if at least 20 percent of parents/guardians respond to the survey. While the parent data will not be made public, the parent report will be made available to the building and district administration and will enable them to make considerations based on the responses given by Peotone parents/guardians. Your participation in the parent survey will help us understand the conditions at your child’s school and guide improvement.
These research-based reports will be sent to schools and districts in May and will also be included in the State School Report Card, released statewide in the fall.
Please visit https://survey.5-essentials.org/Illinois/ to take the parent survey.

This Friday (March 14th) marks the end of our 3rd Quarter for Peotone Schools. As a reminder, we will be operating under a Common Plan schedule on Friday.

Looking for a summer job? We’re accepting applications for our Summer Custodian and Summer Maintenance positions!
Pay: $15.00/hr (Returning temp workers receive a $0.50 increase)
Hours: Monday–Friday, 6:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Start Date: June 2, 2025
Location: Peotone CUSD 207U
How to Apply:
Online: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeTkHMK8ivBZ127_mx0KRS3GpxQcCyvAukvKP2Vg35zn5vUzQ/viewform
In Person: Pick up a physical application in the PHS office
Don't miss out on this opportunity! Tag someone who might be interested and apply today!

Take a moment to check out the PHS Theatre Department's Website!

March Lunch Menu

The 5Essentials Survey is NOW OPEN and will remain open until March 28th. We would appreciate it if you took the time to complete the Parent/Guardian Portion of the 5Essentials Survey. We need your help in getting 20% of our parents to respond to this survey for each school! You can access the survey by clicking on the following link: https://survey.5-essentials.org/Illinois/

A huge congratulations to our PHS students who were inducted into National Technical Honor Society through KACC. We were beyond excited to celebrate their hard work!

Board of Education Meeting: February 19th @ 6:00pm PHS Media Center Board Meeting YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9vTDknGOgHB9uUUHu1spdQ OR http://bit.ly/peotone207u

Reminder to Families: Peotone CUSD 207U has a School Improvement Day scheduled for tomorrow - Friday, February 14th. Due to the early release, lunch will not be served. Dismissal times are as follows:
PES: 11:50 am
PIC: 11:00 am
PJHS: 12:00 pm
PHS: 11:50 am

Due to the anticipated weather and timing of predicted snowfall that has the potential to impact travel and dismissal, Peotone CUSD 207U will be implementing an e-Learning Day for tomorrow - Wednesday, February 12th. All extra-curricular activities are canceled.
Please stay safe and have a great night!

February Lunch Menu

We held our second District SPARK Day today, and staff members were SPARKING warmth and gratitude across Peotone 207u. It is so wonderful to have these days to connect through the entire district and show our appreciation for our staff and each other. Staff wore Spark Shirts or anything orange and visited the lounge to complete the Cups of Gratitude Activity. They enjoyed coffee, cocoa, and cookies. Staff had a chance to earn raffle tickets throughout the day for special raffle prizes. Our SPARK Survey was This or That: Winter Edition. See the Staff SPARK Survey Results below! A huge thank you to the Peotone Education Foundation for donating the raffle prizes and treats for this SPARK Day!

Peotone Fine Arts Booster Club is having a Prom Dress Collection Drive. Please help by donating dresses and accessories for this event to help raise funds for our fine arts programs! Contact Peotone Fine Arts Booster Club with questions. peotonefab@gmail.com

Peotone High School is proud to announce the 2024-2025 Semester 1 Honor Roll recipients. Congratulations to our Honor Roll students for their hard work and academic success.
PHS Honor Roll - Semester 1 (24/25) Link: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGc93kJj30/EAEJBkQKR8tIt8bHfsZzMg/view?utm_content=DAGc93kJj30&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=uniquelinks&utlId=hb2a1079c5f

Board of Education Meeting: January 22nd @ 6:00pm PHS Media Center Board Meeting YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9vTDknGOgHB9uUUHu1spdQ OR http://bit.ly/peotone207u

Due to the extremely low temperatures anticipated at the beginning of this week, all Peotone Schools will utilize an e-Learning Day on Tuesday, January 21st. Building-specific communication regarding expectations and schedules will be shared before Tuesday. Further updates on extracurricular activities will be provided as soon as possible.

January Lunch Menu

Board of Education Meeting: December 16th @ 6:00pm PHS Media Center Board Meeting YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9vTDknGOgHB9uUUHu1spdQ OR http://bit.ly/peotone207u