Welcome back students and staff!
August 19th is the first day of school. We can't wait to see our halls filled with activity as we kick off the 2024-2025 school year! Go Big Blue!!!
Quick tips:
> Common Plan Dismissal - 8:20-1:25 (Late arrival students should arrive by 9:04, AM work release students should arrive by 9:43)
> Chromebooks/Chargers will be handed out during 1st period, or when alternate arrivals arrive.
> Lunch money can be deposited on PushCoin or by cash/check to the lunch counter BEFORE school starts.
> Student drivers can park in the lot, but you must be a licensed/insured driver.Parking permit spots will be issued by September 6th. After that date, students must have a permit to park in the student lot. Parking permits: $100
> Students should pick up their new school ID and planners in the Commons before school.
> Schedule changes must be communicated to your School Counselor by 3:00pm on August 21st.
> Students have been emailed their locker number and combinations. (Save that email!)
Welcome Back PHS
August 18, 2024