Welcome Back

Welcome back students and staff!
August 19th is the first day of school. We can't wait to see our halls filled with activity as we kick off the 2024-2025 school year! Go Big Blue!!!
Quick tips:
> Common Plan Dismissal - 8:20-1:25 (Late arrival students should arrive by 9:04, AM work release students should arrive by 9:43)
> Chromebooks/Chargers will be handed out during 1st period, or when alternate arrivals arrive.
> Lunch money can be deposited on PushCoin or by cash/check to the lunch counter BEFORE school starts.
> Student drivers can park in the lot, but you must be a licensed/insured driver.Parking permit spots will be issued by September 6th. After that date, students must have a permit to park in the student lot. Parking permits: $100
> Students should pick up their new school ID and planners in the Commons before school.
> Schedule changes must be communicated to your School Counselor by 3:00pm on August 21st.
> Students have been emailed their locker number and combinations. (Save that email!)